Unknown Universe [CEG5027 - 1]
0 |
02'17 |
Thomas Lucas
Approaching to the unknown & the mystery of the deep. Low drone & ...
Approaching to the unknown & the mystery of the deep. Low drone & cinematic percussion. Crystalline sound & breath. Suggested for space exploration & investigation in the depths.
mysterious space underwater underground
mysterious,space,underwater,underground,abyss,atmospheric,dark ambient,nocturnal,drone,suspended atmosphere,sound design,synthesizer,steady,natural disaster,sparse,interrogative,neutral,electro organic,calm,weird,panoramic,cinematic percussion,luminous,humid,disturbing,instrumental,slow
Gb |
63 |
Titolo :
Unknown Universe
Riferimento :
CEG5027 - 1
Compositore/i :
Thomas Lucas
Album :
Mystery of the Depths
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Mixstep Music, Departement Nowadays Records
Wonder Vision [CEG5027 - 2]
0 |
03'10 |
Thomas Lucas
Wonderful, enchanting, mystical & full of brightness. Ambient. ...
Wonderful, enchanting, mystical & full of brightness. Ambient. Lyrical & celestial vocal texture & synth pads. Suggested for outer space & marvellous discovery.
electro ambient airy space underwater
electro ambient,airy,space,underwater,mysterious,atmospheric,tracking shot,introspective,luminous,mystical,suspended atmosphere,cold,panoramic,dreamy,slow motion,sound design,calm,sparse,magical,synthesizer,abyss,cold desert,interrogative,mixed choir,panorama,beds,instrumental,slow
Eb |
117 |
Riferimento :
CEG5027 - 2
Compositore/i :
Thomas Lucas
Album :
Mystery of the Depths
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Mixstep Music, Departement Nowadays Records
Sea Horse Ballet [CEG5027 - 3]
0 |
02'46 |
Thomas Lucas
Like a tracking shot in the middle of the underwater fauna. Graceful, ...
Like a tracking shot in the middle of the underwater fauna. Graceful, peaceful, shimmering & undulating. Cinematic electro. Suggested for natural documentary.
underwater electro ambient mysterious abyss
underwater,electro ambient,mysterious,abyss,wandering,cold,tracking shot,atmospheric,cinematic,suspended atmosphere,space,interrogative,panorama,panoramic,spring,humid,undulating,resillience,luminous,radiant,dreamy,sci-fi,underground,peaceful,crystalline,sparse,disturbing,shy,synthesizer,instrumental,medium
Eb |
149 |
Titolo :
Sea Horse Ballet
Riferimento :
CEG5027 - 3
Compositore/i :
Thomas Lucas
Album :
Mystery of the Depths
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Mixstep Music, Departement Nowadays Records
Underground Workers [CEG5027 - 4]
0 |
03'04 |
Thomas Lucas
What if in the future the industry invades unexplored worlds? ...
What if in the future the industry invades unexplored worlds? Metallic & sequence echo fx & dreamy synth pads @ 0'44. For underwater documentary & nature discovery.
wandering underwater mysterious abyss
wandering,underwater,mysterious,abyss,desolate,electro ambient,metallic,mystical,nocturnal,electro organic,atmospheric,suspended atmosphere,disturbing,synthesizer,sparse,weird,panoramic,sequencing,arid,fx reverb,interrogative,soundscape,cold,vibrating,space,humid,undulating,science,sci-fi,instrumental,slow
Ab |
114 |
Titolo :
Underground Workers
Riferimento :
CEG5027 - 4
Compositore/i :
Thomas Lucas
Album :
Mystery of the Depths
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Mixstep Music, Departement Nowadays Records
Call of the Abyss [CEG5027 - 5]
0 |
02'20 |
Thomas Lucas
The enigma of depths and high altitudes. 1st part suspended & ...
The enigma of depths and high altitudes. 1st part suspended & desolate. 2nd part @ 1'12 threatening & evolving to terror. Suggested for underwater documentary, sci fi & outer space.
desolate wandering abyss underwater
desolate,wandering,abyss,underwater,underground,natural disaster,anticipation,suspended atmosphere,space,disturbing,mysterious,contemporary series,dark ambient,scary,cold,interrogative,airy,horror,sinister,atmospheric,sparse,nocturnal,panoramic,beds,sequencing,sci-fi,synthesizer,instrumental,slow
Gm |
67 |
Titolo :
Call of the Abyss
Riferimento :
CEG5027 - 5
Compositore/i :
Thomas Lucas
Album :
Mystery of the Depths
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Mixstep Music, Departement Nowadays Records
Fear of the Deep [CEG5027 - 6]
0 |
02'19 |
Thomas Lucas
The rising terror from the depths. Piano with reverb FX. Synth & ...
The rising terror from the depths. Piano with reverb FX. Synth & sound design in a drone mood. Oppressing texture @ 1'12, almost supernatural. Suggested for underwater exploration, fateful disaster & nature drama.
contemporary series abyss desolate natural disaster
contemporary series,abyss,desolate,natural disaster,anticipation,cold,disturbing,mysterious,sequencing,dark ambient,space,underwater,insidious,nocturnal,suspended atmosphere,horror,atmospheric,cinematic,drone,sparse,wandering,fx reverb,investigation,melancholic,mute piano,electro organic,sci-fi,sinister,underground,synthesizer,scary,humid,interrogative,suspense,instrumental,slow
Gbm |
84 |
Titolo :
Fear of the Deep
Riferimento :
CEG5027 - 6
Compositore/i :
Thomas Lucas
Album :
Mystery of the Depths
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Mixstep Music, Departement Nowadays Records
Subterranean World [CEG5027 - 7]
0 |
1'41 |
Thomas Lucas
A strange discovery in the darkness. Drone building-up slowly with ...
A strange discovery in the darkness. Drone building-up slowly with saturated textures & synth pad. Tense @ 0'45 with a hurry & uptight soundscape. Perfect for nature drama, underground & outer space.
underground mysterious natural disaster disturbing
underground,mysterious,natural disaster,disturbing,dark ambient,scary,space,weird,pulsation,suspense,drone,anticipation,cold,sound design,synthesizer,underwater,investigation,nocturnal,paranormal,sinister,abyss,desolate,suspended atmosphere,sparse,contemporary series,wandering,rumbling,relentless,science,windy,instrumental,slow
Ebm |
86 |
Titolo :
Subterranean World
Riferimento :
CEG5027 - 7
Compositore/i :
Thomas Lucas
Album :
Mystery of the Depths
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Mixstep Music, Departement Nowadays Records
The Descent [CEG5027 - 8]
0 |
02'02 |
Thomas Lucas
Progressive exploration of an uncharted & underwater world. Drone. ...
Progressive exploration of an uncharted & underwater world. Drone. Wandering, desolate & mysterious. Dark synth pad & voice texture. Suggested for outer space, nature drama & underwater documentary.
underground abyss drone wandering
underground,abyss,drone,wandering,underwater,mysterious,nocturnal,natural disaster,introspective,sequencing,atmospheric,suspended atmosphere,contemporary series,tracking shot,space,disturbing,desolate,horror,synthesizer,Scandinavian noir,scary,investigation,panoramic,sci-fi,sinister,synth pad,instrumental,slow,male voice
Bm |
96 |
Riferimento :
CEG5027 - 8
Compositore/i :
Thomas Lucas
Album :
Mystery of the Depths
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Mixstep Music, Departement Nowadays Records
Nowhere's Dwellers [CEG5027 - 9]
0 |
02'41 |
Thomas Lucas
The abyssal echo of a subterranean world. Hypnotic, mystic & ...
The abyssal echo of a subterranean world. Hypnotic, mystic & graceful. Cinematic electro & atmospheric. Synth pad & ethereal texture. Suggested for light drama nature, nature discovery & landscape.
abyss mysterious atmospheric cold desert
abyss,mysterious,atmospheric,cold desert,suspended atmosphere,space,underwater,geopolitics,dreamy,contemporary series,synthesizer,natural disaster,electro ambient,wandering,introspective,sequencing,soundscape,hypnotic,airy,calm,undulating,panorama,cold,disturbing,synth pad,instrumental,slow
Am |
62 |
Titolo :
Nowhere's Dwellers
Riferimento :
CEG5027 - 9
Compositore/i :
Thomas Lucas
Album :
Mystery of the Depths
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Mixstep Music, Departement Nowadays Records
Stranted Creatures [CEG5027 - 10]
0 |
01'46 |
Thomas Lucas
The strange journey of a creature lost in the darkness. Curious & ...
The strange journey of a creature lost in the darkness. Curious & ponctuated. Sub bass percussion & irregular & cinematic synth pad.
underwater atmospheric electro ambient space
underwater,atmospheric,electro ambient,space,weird,mysterious,sequencing,abyss,suspended atmosphere,nocturnal,synthesizer,anticipation,luminous,hypnotic,disturbing,underground,wandering,crystalline,interrogative,panoramic,sparse,cold,instrumental,slow
C |
111 |
Titolo :
Stranted Creatures
Riferimento :
CEG5027 - 10
Compositore/i :
Thomas Lucas
Album :
Mystery of the Depths
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Mixstep Music, Departement Nowadays Records
Echo of Light [CEG5027 - 11]
0 |
02'28 |
Thomas Lucas
Daylight piercing the darkness. Lightly & peaceful drone. Piano & ...
Daylight piercing the darkness. Lightly & peaceful drone. Piano & cinematic synth. Suggested for underwater exploration & nature documentary.
underwater atmospheric calm mysterious
underwater,atmospheric,calm,mysterious,nocturnal,dreamy,contemporary series,underground,wandering,sequencing,soundscape,synthesizer,suspended atmosphere,space,luminous,crystalline,introspective,panorama,resillience,sci-fi,windy,desolate,cold,acoustic piano,disturbing,instrumental,slow
G |
114 |
Riferimento :
CEG5027 - 11
Compositore/i :
Thomas Lucas
Album :
Mystery of the Depths
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Mixstep Music, Departement Nowadays Records