Mud and Thunders [CEM3019 - 1]
0 |
1'32 |
Morgan Sansous, Kenny Serane
Heavy Rock. Boisterous, brash, confident & reckless. Rock drum & lead ...
Heavy Rock. Boisterous, brash, confident & reckless. Rock drum & lead guitar riff. Suggested for motors sport, tuning, & blacksmith / forge TV.
fiery hard rock mechanical sport uplifting
fiery,hard rock,mechanical sport,uplifting,lively,powerful & imposing,team sport,catchy,drums,driving,urgent,confident,band,distorted electric guitar,triumphant,riff,percussive,extreme & fighting sport,heavy metal,instrumental,fast
E |
136 |
Titolo :
Mud and Thunders
Riferimento :
CEM3019 - 1
Compositore/i :
Morgan Sansous - Kenny Serane
Album :
Fury Roads - Hard Rock Guitar
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Motorized Dreams [CEM3019 - 2]
0 |
1'41 |
Morgan Sansous, Kenny Serane
Heavy Rock. Swagger intro with crunchy & tough guitar riff. Bold & ...
Heavy Rock. Swagger intro with crunchy & tough guitar riff. Bold & powerful. Rock drum & lead guitar. Suggested for motors sport, tuning & blacksmith / forge TV.
masculine mechanical sport driving fiery
masculine,mechanical sport,driving,fiery,hard rock,powerful & imposing,lively,uplifting,extreme & fighting sport,attitude,distorted electric guitar,drums,catchy,riff,team sport,urgent,band,United States of America,percussive,chase,TV,instrumental,fast
Em |
126 |
Titolo :
Motorized Dreams
Riferimento :
CEM3019 - 2
Compositore/i :
Morgan Sansous - Kenny Serane
Album :
Fury Roads - Hard Rock Guitar
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Full Injected Passion [CEM3019 - 3]
0 |
1'33 |
Morgan Sansous, Kenny Serane
Heavy Rock. Energetic, driving, confident, reckless & rousing. Rock ...
Heavy Rock. Energetic, driving, confident, reckless & rousing. Rock drum & lead guitar riff. Suggested for motors sport, tuning & blacksmith / forge TV.
team sport mechanical sport fiery hard rock
team sport,mechanical sport,fiery,hard rock,driving,lively,masculine,extreme & fighting sport,attitude,uplifting,powerful & imposing,drums,band,distorted electric guitar,heavy,riff,catchy,urgent,anthemic rock / stadium rock,confident,relentless,percussive,TV,United States of America,trash (texture),heavy metal,instrumental,fast
Em |
162 |
Titolo :
Full Injected Passion
Riferimento :
CEM3019 - 3
Compositore/i :
Morgan Sansous - Kenny Serane
Album :
Fury Roads - Hard Rock Guitar
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Diesel Hits [CEM3019 - 4]
0 |
1'20 |
Morgan Sansous, Kenny Serane
Heavy Rock. Crunchy, rough, rowdy & powerful. Rock drum & lead guitar ...
Heavy Rock. Crunchy, rough, rowdy & powerful. Rock drum & lead guitar riff. Suggested for motors sport, tuning & blacksmith / forge TV.
mechanical sport fiery hard rock masculine
mechanical sport,fiery,hard rock,masculine,powerful & imposing,drums,lively,relentless,attitude,driving,uplifting,distorted electric guitar,percussive,team sport,catchy,band,riff,extreme & fighting sport,trash (texture),North America,classic rock,explosive,introduction,heavy,TV,action game,instrumental,fast
A |
141 |
Riferimento :
CEM3019 - 4
Compositore/i :
Morgan Sansous - Kenny Serane
Album :
Fury Roads - Hard Rock Guitar
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Racing Madness [CEM3019 - 5]
0 |
1'40 |
Morgan Sansous, Kenny Serane
Heavy Rock. Bluesy, gritty, swagger & confident. Rock drum & lead ...
Heavy Rock. Bluesy, gritty, swagger & confident. Rock drum & lead guitar riff. Suggested for motors sport, tuning & blacksmith / forge TV.
fiery team sport driving masculine
fiery,team sport,driving,masculine,powerful & imposing,mechanical sport,drums,extreme & fighting sport,attitude,lively,band,distorted electric guitar,relentless,riff,catchy,classic rock,confident,United States of America,heavy,percussive,TV,instrumental,fast
A |
131 |
Riferimento :
CEM3019 - 5
Compositore/i :
Morgan Sansous - Kenny Serane
Album :
Fury Roads - Hard Rock Guitar
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Rock'n Roll Tempest [CEM3019 - 6]
0 |
1'51 |
Morgan Sansous, Kenny Serane
Heavy Rock. Energetic, positive, reckless, bold & rowdy. Rock drum & ...
Heavy Rock. Energetic, positive, reckless, bold & rowdy. Rock drum & lead guitar riff. Suggested for motors sport, tuning & blacksmith / forge TV.
driving lively fiery heavy metal
driving,lively,fiery,heavy metal,team sport,masculine,open air,powerful & imposing,mechanical sport,confident,band,drums,uplifting,distorted electric guitar,riff,road movie,catchy,heavy,classic rock,relentless,percussive,extreme & fighting sport,trash (texture),urgent,Europe,TV,instrumental,fast
Em |
148 |
Titolo :
Rock'n Roll Tempest
Riferimento :
CEM3019 - 6
Compositore/i :
Morgan Sansous - Kenny Serane
Album :
Fury Roads - Hard Rock Guitar
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Road of Peril [CEM3019 - 7]
0 |
1'50 |
Morgan Sansous, Kenny Serane
Heavy Rock. Anticipating bold guitar intro. Confident, raw, punchy & ...
Heavy Rock. Anticipating bold guitar intro. Confident, raw, punchy & outrageous. Rock drum & lead guitar riff. Suggested for motors sport, tuning & blacksmith / forge TV.
team sport mechanical sport confident lively
team sport,mechanical sport,confident,lively,fiery,hard rock,drums,driving,uplifting,band,distorted electric guitar,masculine,relentless,riff,catchy,extreme & fighting sport,anthemic rock / stadium rock,heavy,percussive,open air,powerful & imposing,trash (texture),urgent,North America,attitude,TV,instrumental,medium
Em |
117 |
Riferimento :
CEM3019 - 7
Compositore/i :
Morgan Sansous - Kenny Serane
Album :
Fury Roads - Hard Rock Guitar
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Surviving the Extrem [CEM3019 - 8]
0 |
1'54 |
Morgan Sansous, Kenny Serane
Heavy Rock. Stunning, bold, energetic & electrifying. Hard-hitting ...
Heavy Rock. Stunning, bold, energetic & electrifying. Hard-hitting rock drum & lead guitar riff. Break @ 1'08. Suggested for motors sport, tuning & blacksmith / forge TV.
masculine driving team sport mechanical sport
masculine,driving,team sport,mechanical sport,lively,fiery,hard rock,drums,distorted electric guitar,relentless,riff,attitude,open air,powerful & imposing,confident,band,extreme & fighting sport,classic rock,heavy,percussive,urgent,catchy,United States of America,trash (texture),instrumental,fast
Em |
141 |
Titolo :
Surviving the Extrem
Riferimento :
CEM3019 - 8
Compositore/i :
Morgan Sansous - Kenny Serane
Album :
Fury Roads - Hard Rock Guitar
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Icebound Fury [CEM3019 - 9]
0 |
1'23 |
Morgan Sansous, Kenny Serane
Heavy Rock. Bold, punchy, confident & raw. Rock drum & lead guitar ...
Heavy Rock. Bold, punchy, confident & raw. Rock drum & lead guitar riff. Suggested for motors sport, tuning & blacksmith / forge TV.
driving lively team sport hard rock
driving,lively,team sport,hard rock,mechanical sport,attitude,masculine,powerful & imposing,drums,distorted electric guitar,catchy,fiery,riff,percussive,extreme & fighting sport,confident,uplifting,band,heavy,relentless,TV,urgent,classic rock,action game,trash (texture),instrumental,medium
Am |
116 |
Riferimento :
CEM3019 - 9
Compositore/i :
Morgan Sansous - Kenny Serane
Album :
Fury Roads - Hard Rock Guitar
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Grease and Gear [CEM3019 - 10]
0 |
1'37 |
Morgan Sansous, Kenny Serane
Heavy Rock. Anticipating tough guitar with leads. Determined, ...
Heavy Rock. Anticipating tough guitar with leads. Determined, crunchy, loud & reckless. Rock drum & lead guitar riff. Suggested for motors sport, tuning & blacksmith / forge TV.
uplifting driving confident lively
uplifting,driving,confident,lively,hard rock,team sport,drums,fiery,band,distorted electric guitar,powerful & imposing,extreme & fighting sport,open air,riff,catchy,introduction,percussive,road movie,heavy,relentless,panorama,TV,instrumental,medium
A |
130 |
Riferimento :
CEM3019 - 10
Compositore/i :
Morgan Sansous - Kenny Serane
Album :
Fury Roads - Hard Rock Guitar
Data di rilascio :
Editore(i) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur