Parole ... Solemn & lyrical. Male choir & symphony orchestra.
Entre l’ancien et le nouveau monde Se tient un pont inébranlable. Notre bataillon a traversé la rivière Mais mon cheval et moi nous sommes perdus. Sur la berge il y avait un fort brouillard, On ne voyait rien nulle part. Quelques maisons brûlaient encore Jusqu’au pont il n’y avait que la mort Et sur les bords du chemin, des femmes se tenaient. Un vent blanc a emporté leurs fils dans le brouillard. Cours mon cheval, cours plus vite Sinon nous disparaitrons Comme ces garçons Dans le brouillard de l’ancien monde. Mon cœur s’est percé Quand mon cheval s’est envolé Noir de jais, cheval contre le vent blanc gelé. Je suis de nouveau seul Ulysse Grifmann a surgit du brouillard Il arriva sur un cheval rouge, il me dit «tiens bon l’ami» En avant mes amis, nous avons encore du travail sur les champs Derrière Ulysse, je ne crains aucune brume Hourra Hourra Hourra !
Get up in the morning black coffee milk is overdue pick up some old cassette set my feelings
I take my time says a friend of mine but I don't mind, I don't mind if I don't find They get to go
see me laying Think 4 yourself x2 Cause the streets don't seem gray when you're on my mind and when you know well I feel fine
How about you ?
Description of your problems Man I know it all connects Get up on the go You never going to figure out talking to everybody need to think for yourself I say
This mans there's dimensions you ain't tapped in yet. Got your focus all wrong but I bet The test is a classroom and you might fail win some lose some, it's all swell.
Description of your problems I know the next person need to get up on the go, got to get up on the, get up on the… You never going to figure out taking advice Got ah think, got ah think, got ah think for yourself allright.
Parole ... Uptempo song. Male lead vocal & ensemble. Electric guitar chorus @ ...Uptempo song. Male lead vocal & ensemble. Electric guitar chorus @ 0'32 & 1'52.
Yo quiero bailar la cumbia yo quiero bailarla yaLa quiero bailar contigo cuando no esté tu mama (Bis) Pero ahora solo quiero bailar y bailar bailar y bailar y bailarbailar y bailar y bailar y bailar y bailar y bailar y bailarpero solo quiero bailar y bailar y amarte y bailar y seguir girando y seguir girando
Y seguir girando girando girando girando y girando Y seguir girando
Yo quiero bailar la cumbia yo quiero bailarla yaLa quiero bailar contigo cuando no esté tu mama
Pero ahora solo quiero bailar y bailar y amarte bailar y bailar pero solo quiero bailar y bailar y bailar y bailar y bailar y bailar pero solo quiero bailar y bailar y amarte y bailary seguir girando y seguir girando Y seguir girando girando girando girando y seguir girando Esta es la cumbia la verdadera la que viene bien llanera la cumbia de verdad!
Song performed during the saint's festival. Acoustic guitar, ...Song performed during the saint's festival. Acoustic guitar, cavaquinho, chocalho (Cape Verdean maracas), male singer & male back up vocalist.
Parole ... Song in Spanish. Sad & peaceful. Female voice & acoustic guitar.
Alma, viento,tierra adentrosoplo fugaz,noche abierta, australcielo que pesaplomo, tristezacampo seco,tarde oscura, huecolagrimas, desazonextraña sensacióntierra argentinacomo una espinaque no sangraque se clavacada díacanto, nostalgiarecuerdos, magiacuan oraciónabren mi canciónfuego del almaquema y alcanzael corazónlejos la razóncanto del tiempo que pasapalabras que se abrazanla mirada cambiase iluminacon etapas de la vida y en los instantes mas intensosvuela un pájaro hacia el marmiles de estrellas que se enciendencuando me pongo a cantar cura mi alma sus temoresy asi puedo continuarandando rutas y caminosdonde por fin madrugar CANON HABLADO Y CANTADO: Tierra adentrodentro mioestá tu vozcomo una oración. FR: Tierra Adentro (la terre de l'intérieur) âme, vent, La terre de l'intérieur. Souffle fugace, Nuit claire, Austral. Ciel lourd, Plomb, tristesse. Champs sec, Fin de journée sombre, trou. Larmes, malaiseSensation étrange. Terre argentineComme une épine, qui ne saigne pasqui s'enfoncechaque jour. Chant, nostalgie, Souvenirs, magieComme une oraisonouvre ma chanson. Feu de l'âmeBrûle et atteintle cœur, loin de la raison. Chant du temps qui passeParoles qui s'embrassentJe chante et le temps passe, Le regard change, S'illumine, Et dans les instants les plus intensesUn oiseau vole jusqu'à la mer. Des milliers d'étoiles se mettent à brillerQuand je commence à chanter.
Mon âme soigne ses peursAinsi je peux continuer. Marchant sur des routes et des cheminsPour enfin me lever tôt.
Terre de l'intérieurEn moiest ta voixcomme une oraison.
Parole ... Creole song. Sad & lonely. Male voice & sez (zither).
Dimans passé mo descen la en ba mon zano pendan tombe dan bazarMon zano pendan tombe dan bazar meme ki sem la cutil ramasé Ki sem la cutil ramasé, ki sem la cutil ramaséKi sem la cutil ramasé, mamzel joli cutil ramasé Si ou contan mon zano pendan, si ou contan mon zano pendanSi ou contan mon zano pendan la vin la case la fé sourir La vin la case la fé sourir imaziné dan la foréDan ma jimé dan la sori la case en pail la bien aimé Dimans passé mo descen la en ba, dimans passé mo descen la en baDimans passé mo descen la en ba mon zano pendan tombe dan bazar Mon zano pendan tombe dan bazar meme ki sem la cutil ramaséMon zano pendan tombe dan bazar meme ki sem la cutil ramasé Si ou contan mon zano pendan, si ou contan mon zano pendanSi ou contan mon zano pendan la vin la case la fé zofé
Parole ... Patriotic & determined. Male choir & symphony orchestra.
En première ligne du front,Il se tenait un pistolet dans la main,Dans l'autre un harmonica.Et Ulysse donnait de la force à tout le monde,Il chantait des chansons joyeuses,Nous racontait avec émotionComment l'embrassait Tania.Ulysse Griffman chantait la guerre et l'amour,Sur son cheval il s'est jeté sur l'ennemi,C'était une nuit sans étoiles,Ils lui ont tiré dans la poitrine.Ulysse Griffman est mort, mais ne sois pas triste,Ne soit pas triste, chante seulement pour lui,Pour la Russie, pour la victoire, pour nous.Je mourrai alors le sourire aux lèvres.
Parole ... Hard rock / Punk. Frantic, energetic & percussive. Rock band with ...Hard rock / Punk. Frantic, energetic & percussive. Rock band with female singer.
You have got the Midas touchYou have got the Midas touch Midas, Midas, Midas, Midas, Midas!Everything he turns to goldEverything he turns to gold You have got the Midas touchYou have got the Midas touch Midas, Midas, Midas, Midas, Midas!Everything he turns to goldEverything he turns to gold, gold, gold, goldcome on! Gold is cold it won't be a loverGold is cold it won't be a lover Everything he turns to goldEverything he turns to goldEverything he turns to goldEverything he turns to gold You've got the magic touch. Midas!You've got the magic touch. Midas! You have got the Midas touchYou have got the Midas touch Midas, Midas, Midas, Midas, Midas!
Parole ... Cold wave, post-punk & 80's. Arty, dark & viril. Male singer, ...Cold wave, post-punk & 80's. Arty, dark & viril. Male singer, electric guitar, synth & rhythm.
Every God is Gone Your voice on the phone is so coldI can't answer yetStuck in a missionA false pretext again And i'm afraid I'm afraidI don't want to face you I'm unchainedI'm unchainedI'm unchained with you
I am the night you knowIsolatedYou can sell my nameCause every god is gone I am the night you knowLooking for a reasonCause every god is gone
Am i somebody someone ?We are too disconnectedYeah i'm disconnectedIt's hard to be my friendIt's hard to be my friendThere's no passion in my head I am the night you knowIsolatedYou can sell my nameCause every god is gone I am the night you knowLooking for a reasonCause every god is gone
Surf with a Hispanic touch. Exotic but proud. Rock band with vibrato ...Surf with a Hispanic touch. Exotic but proud. Rock band with vibrato & tremolo guitar.
☆ Nominated "Best Jazz" @Production Music Awards UK 2023 ☆ ...☆ Nominated "Best Jazz" @Production Music Awards UK 2023 ☆ Big-band jazz trailer. Fast swing in the style of the 40s & 50s. Bright overture. Propulsive, exuberant, lively & festive. Energetic brass section & powerful rhythm section. Suggested for musical overture & TV show theme.
Alternate version without trailer sound. Fast big-band swing in the ...Alternate version without trailer sound. Fast big-band swing in the style of the 40s & 50s. Bright overture. Propulsive, lively & festive. Brass section & rhythm. Suggested for musical overture & TV show theme.
Alternate version without trailer sound and without rhythmics. ...Alternate version without trailer sound and without rhythmics. Big-band swing in the style of the 40s & 50s. Lively & festive. Brass section & rolling double-bass. Suggested for musical overture & TV show theme.
Parole ... Glam Rock 70s. Glamorous, extravagant, carefree, vibrant & spacey. ...Glam Rock 70s. Glamorous, extravagant, carefree, vibrant & spacey. Chorus @ 0'53. Rock band with male vocal, lead guitar & iconic 70s drum sound.
Take me out Out of space
Remember I love you every day Ignition is coming through I won’t lose the pace until I’m with you
Coming out of the blue
Tell me how does it feel Throwing lies at my face Cause you’ll all see me Coming out Out of the blue
Catchy & danceable in a Spanish mood. Classical guitar & percussion ...Catchy & danceable in a Spanish mood. Classical guitar & percussion duet. From Fernando Sor - Exercice n°22 (Introduction for the Study of Guitar).
Parole ... Patriotic & accentuated march. Male choir & symphony orchestra.
Le chant soulage, guérit l'esprit malade.La puissance secrète de l'incantationRachète les errements les plus gravesEt maîtrise le tumulte des passions.L'âme du chantre qui s'épanche dans l'harmonie,Reçoit la rémission de ses tourmentsEt, dans la communion à la sainte poésie,Retrouve la pureté et l'apaisement.